Madrid: Calle Alameda 22. 28014 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 902 09 98 78
Fax: +34 902 05 25 58
Lisboa: Av. do Atlântico 16. Escritorio 2.11 Parque das Naçôes. 1990-019 Lisboa
Teléfono: +351 917 58 56 37
Puertos: Rambla de Méndez Núñez 48, 1ºD. 03002 Alicante
Teléfono: +34 902 09 98 78
Fax: +34 902 05 25 58
Horario: GMT + 1
Some operations carried out in other countries require companies to register for a number of national VAT and VAT returns forms regularly send to the tax authorities of the country.
Companies operating in the European Community must comply with tax law (VAT) for all operations and for invoices issued and received by the company.
Sometimes it is difficult to meet the diversity of operations or statements necessary, because not only have to declare VAT.
SFT's mission is to help its customers implement the appropriate operational point of view of VAT properly managing the flow of goods and services and their billing procedures. We also manage all correspondence with the tax authorities and inform our customers. By using our extranet the customer can know at any time from anywhere in the world what is the status of the product, its administrative relationship with the recipient authorities and other relevant services.
Of course we act with the tax partners on behalf of the Customer, being able to correct situations that from the legal point of view have been conducted improperly beforehand.
Provide, by using our extranet, an individualized system and ongoing client information for SFT. The client always knows what is the status and procedure of the merchandise.
For cases where the client wants to sell and buy in the European Union countries but doesn’t want to address the assembly of subsidiaries or branches or wants a general sales agent SFT provides this service by providing the same benefits to the client as having a subsidiary or a branch in Spain, but without any obligation on that kind of financial charges.
In these cases we operate a warehouse, like any Spanish company, streamlining the delivery of sales.
Also use a shuttle service effective, fast and economic in terms of the client's needs for supplies in the area of application.
SFT controls arrivals, storage, delivery and payment of invoices, optimizing an essential service in any exports.
We can help you in specific matters you need about EU Customs Law and International Tax.
Even for the case that only need to query to us, we have the means to provide the best answer in those two areas:
You can contact us by sending us your email and question.