Madrid: Calle Alameda 22. 28014 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 902 09 98 78
Fax: +34 902 05 25 58
Lisboa: Av. do Atlântico 16. Escritorio 2.11 Parque das Naçôes. 1990-019 Lisboa
Teléfono: +351 917 58 56 37
Puertos: Rambla de Méndez Núñez 48, 1ºD. 03002 Alicante
Teléfono: +34 902 09 98 78
Fax: +34 902 05 25 58
Horario: GMT + 1
SFT -FIDELITAS TRADING- is a company formed mainly of qualified personnel and specialized in international trade, which is dedicated to representing non-resident companies without a permanent establishment in Spain but with business interests in this country or in the EUROPEAN UNION.
The representation of these entities gives them a legal and economic security in their transactions with other residents as well as added peace of mind because the commercial products are treated on arrival to the EUROPEAN UNION directly by the representative.
Our firm also provides an added value to its primary object rendering consulting, international tax advice and advice on customs, fields closely related to the representation of firms and commercial products.
In particular the services provided by SFT –FIDELITAS TRADING- are as follow:
SFT has been bound by this declaration to the absolute respect for ethical principles and conduct themselves transparent international trade, the law that regulates it and the legal relations arising therefrom.
SFT and all firms are independent of any other group of companies or organizations. Its business is strictly private and this condition ensures the best outcome for the customer.
SFT's relationship with the client is based on trust and loyalty, and it requires ethical professional conduct that is honest, loyal and diligent.
Trust and integrity. SFT agree not to abuse the trust of their client, based on the conditions outlined in the previous point, and consequently also agree not to defend the interests of third parties that might conflict with the interests of the client.
SFT's relationship with the client shall be conducted with the utmost confidentiality and discretion, absolute secrecy and private treatment of all data.
SFT will seek the most appropriate solutions and less costly to the client with the main objective the efficient management of the business.
Commitment to legality. Serving and promoting compliance express the principle of legality, SFT will always act in submission to the Law in force at the time and place to develop its performance. Initially the Act is limited to Spanish law and, under its application, the international law to use.
All the above principles will be extended to all staff contributor to this organization and not be limited in time extending even once the business relationship with the customer is finished.
SFT continue serving in countries where adequate institutional relationship to this ideology.
SFT Fidelitas Trading staff is formed by a team of professionals who are grouped into three sections:
In this area the commercial proceedings, taxation and customs are developed under the EU Customs and Tax Law.
For these services we have the assistance of the Law Firm Guirao Alcaraz, legal-economic clearance.
Directly related to Customs proceedings.
For the treatment of Client´s product´s customs traffic we collaborate with Customs Brokers Samper, AEO Certified Office (Authorized Economic Operator), whose direct consequence is that it gives priority and ease of customs administrative procedures always with presumption of legality.
In the commercial area we have the logistical infrastructure in transport and storage to perform a continuous operation system and control stocking to sell the product.